Russian forces in the Mediterranean - Wk52/2024

Task Force Composition
As reported by OSINT at the morning of Dec-28

Weekly Brief
The weapons runner Ursa Major sank this week near the Strait of Gibraltar as a result of an explosion in the engine room. The vessel was rumored to be used for a maritime evacuation but analysis of the cargo reveals that it was indeed heading towards Vladivostok. The vessel transported two 45ton hatches to be used for the construction of a nuclear powered icebreaker as well as two cranes to be used in the port of Vladivostok. The reason of the explosion is unknown.

Additional vessels associated with a possible maritime evacuation have been reported entering the Mediterranean. These vessels are the Ivan Grenn and the Aleksandr Otrakovskiy. They entered via the Strait of Gibraltar together with the weapons runner Sparta.

Daily Events
December 22
Ivan Grenn class amphibious landing vessel Ivan Grenn and Ropucha class landing vessel Aleksandr Otrakovskiy have entered the Mediterranean via the Strait of Gibraltar [1].

December 25
Frigates Admiral Golovko and Admiral Grigorovich are reported northwest of the port of Tartus [2].

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