Russian forces in the Mediterranean - Wk42/2024

Task Force Composition
As reported by OSINT at the morning of Oct-19

Weekly Brief
Russia's task force was observed out of port on October 16th, with the exception of the submarine Novorossiysk. The deployment of two frigates, one corvette and a supporting oiler is one of the larger ones of the Russian Navy in the Mediterranean in recent months and might indicate a heightened state of alert in reaction to the ongoing instability in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Daily Events
October 16
Satellite imagery of the port of Tartus showed only the Improved Kilo class submarine Novorossiysk to be present [1].

Russian oil tanker General Skobelev has entered the Mediterranean. Her passage at the Strait of Gibraltar was visually observed [2]. The passage took place during the evening [3].

October 18
Weapons runner Ursa Major has her AIS signal reported 45 nautical miles west of the Strait of Gibraltar [4].

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