Russian forces in the Mediterranean - Wk33/2024

Task Force Composition
As reported by OSINT at the morning of Aug-17

Weekly Brief
Movements of auxiliaries continue with oiler Yaz most likely delivering aviation gas towards Syria while the support vessel Vice-Admiral Paromov appears to be leaving the Mediterranean.

Corvette Merkury provided escort of the Yaz as it entered the Eastern Mediterranean though her presence was not visually confirmed, most likely due to cloud cover.

Daily Events
August 10
AIS data showed that logistic support vessel Vice-Admiral Paromov departed the port of Tartus [1].

August 12
AIS data places the logistic support vessel Vice-Admiral Paromov southeast of Crete [1].

Satellite imagery of the part of Tartus confirmed the pressence of Improved Kilo class submarine Ufa, the frigate Admiral Grigorovich, the Buyan-M class corvette Mekury and the fleet oiler Akademik Pashin [2].

August 14
Logistic support vessel Vice-Admiral Paromov is reported 210 nautical miles east of Malta. The vessel is heading westwards [3].

Corvette Merkury is allegedly escorting the oiler Yaz as it moves towards Syria [4].

August 15
Oiler Yaz was observed southwest of Cyprus on an eastern course. The escorting corvette Merkury was not reported on this day [4].

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