Russian forces in the Mediterranean - Wk32/2024

Task Force Composition
As reported by OSINT at the morning of Aug-09

Weekly Brief
The task forces appears to be concentrating once again at the port of Tartus with no specific naval activity reported.

Two Russian tankers entered the Mediterranean this week with the Yaz most likely carrying aviation fuel to Syria. 

Daily Events
August 4
Oiler Yaz entered the Mediterranean via the Strait of Gibraltar [1].

August 5
Frigate Admiral Gorshkov and fleet oiler Akademik Pashin are reported between Crete and Cyprus, heading eastwards towards Tartus [2].

Russian tanker General Skobelev entered the Mediterranean via the Strait of Gibraltar [3].

August 7
Satellite imagery of the port of Tartus revealed the presence of frigates Admiral Gorshkov and Admiral Grigorovich, the fleet oiler Akademik Pashin, the logistic support vessel Vice-Admiral Paromov and the fleet tug Alatau [4].

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