Russian forces in the Mediterranean - Wk16/2024

Task Force Composition
As reported by OSINT at the morning of Apr-19

Weekly Brief
Russia's Mediterranean Task Force remained active in the beginning of the week with a second and third weapons shipment between Syria and Libya in what is now dubbed the "Libyan Express".
It remains unclear by OSINT means if the weapons will be used by the Libyan National Army under Field Marshal Haftar or the units of the Russian "Afrika Corps" though the latter is more likely.
The weapon shipments between Syria and Libya also indicate that Russia is now giving priority to support its goals in Libya, rather then transfer weapon systems to Russia proper for use in the in war in Ukraine.

The majority of the task force was also observed absent from port on April 16th. OSINT was unable to provide follow up making it unclear if the task force is deployed for an exercise or providing cover for the third run of the Libyan Express.

Daily Events
April 14
Udaloy class frigate Marshal Shaposhnikov arrived in the Mediterranean via the Suez Canal [d] [f].

Landing vessels Ivan Gren and Alexander Otrakovsky arrived in the Lybian port of Tobruk [b] Both vessels unloaded artillery, in the form of 120mm 2S12 Sani mortars [e] most likely for the Libyan National Army or Russia's Africa Corps [a].
A video of the unloading also showed Grad MLRS and BTR-82A armored personnel carriers being delivered [c].

Russian cargo vessel Mekhanik Makarin departed the Mediterranean via the Strait of Gibraltar and entered the Atlantic Ocean [g].

April 16
Satellite imagery of the port of Tartus revealed the presence of Udaloy class frigate Marshal Shaposhnikov, Buyan-M class corvette Orekhovo-Zuyevo and the Altay class fleet oiler Kola [i].

April 19
Landing vessels Ivan Gren and Alexander Otrakovsky are expected to arrive in Tobruk during the evening or early night [h].

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