Russian Navy Fleet deployments Week 08-2024

Northern Fleet
February 19
Russian sources report that nuclear submarines trained in underwater duels at depths beyond 100 meters. The submarines trained in detecting and tracking each other as well as moving into attack positions and training to evade counter-attacks. Il-38 maritime patrol craft were also involved in the exercise [3].

Baltic Fleet
February 19
Frigate Neustrashimmy and corvette Boiky held an anti-submarine exercise in the Baltic Sea which involved detecting a simulated enemy submarine and launching torpedo's against it [2].

February 20
Karakurt class corvette Burya launched missiles of her "Pantsir-M" complex against a simulated target as part of her state trails. The test took place off Cape Taran near Kaliningrad [7].

February 21
Frigate Neustrashimmy and corvette Boiky held a combat exercise defending themselves against UAVs and USVs. Frigate Neustrashimmy later on practiced flight-deck operations with a Ka-27 helicopter [6].

Buyan-M class corvette Serpukhov and Karakurt class corvette Sovetsk held firing exercises as part of the K2-trianing course. The exercises involved firing machineguns and AK-630 systems against simulated enemy boats and floating mines. Electronic launches of Kalibr cruise missiles against sea and land targets took place as well [5].

February 22
Karakurt class corvette Sovetsk held a mine laying exercise in the Baltic Sea, making a training minefield with bottom and anchored mines. The minesweeper Alexander Obukhov was in turn tasked to detect and eliminate the minefield [8].

Parchim class anti-submarine corvette Kabardino-Balkariya held several combat exercises including engaging in surface warfare against simulated hostile drones, the laying of a minefield and searching and destroying a simulated submarine with the RBU-6000 anti-submarine rocket launchers [9].

Pacific Fleet
February 19
Slava class cruiser Varyag arrived at the Indian port of Visakhapatnam to take part in the MILAN24 exercise [1]. The cruiser was previously reported sailing with the Udaloy class frigate Marshal Shaposnikov as an escort.

February 20
Two Il-38N maritime patrol aircraft and the Improved Kilo class submarine Magadan held an anti-submarine exercise in the Sea of Japan with the aircraft tasked to locate the submarine while the submarine was tasked to evade pursuit [4].

February 24
The Russian Ministry of Defense reports the participation of the Slava class cruiser Varyag in the Indian naval exercise MILAN24 [10].

February 25
Steregushchy class corvette Gromky and Grischa class corvette Metel held an anti-submarine exercise in the Sea of Japan. The Improved Kilo class submarines Volkhov and Magadan played the part of enemy submarines [11].

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