Russian forces in the Mediterranean - Wk44/2023

Task Force Composition

As reported by OSINT at the morning of Nov-04

Weekly Brief

No real changes in the operational readiness of the Russian task force were observed. The task force remains at sea with half its combat power, most likely keeping track of US and NATO forces operating in the Eastern Mediterranean.

The departure of the fleet oiler Yelnya raises questions. The oiler could have sailed out to refuel the Merkury and Kildin or heading towards the Western Mediterranean to make a rendez-vous with additional Russian naval forces. Frigate Admiral Grigorovich and an unidentified Steregushchy class corvette have been visually observed leaving the Baltic Sea, possibly heading towards the Mediterranean.

Daily Events

October 28
Satellite imagery of the port of Tartus revealed the following vessels being present in port: Buyan-M class corvette Orekhovo-Zuyevo, fleet oiler Yelnya and Amur class repair vessel PM-82 [1].

November 2
Fleet oiler Yelnya allegedly departed the port of Tartus during the late afternoon [2].

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