Russian forces in the Mediterranean - Wk36/2023

Task Force Composition

As reported by OSINT at the morning of Sep-09

Weekly Brief

Drastic reductions on combat power took place during this week with the departure of the Admiral Gorshkov and fleet oiler Vyazma. Both vessels completed their rotation in the Mediterranean which was sheduled to end by the end of August so their departure is routine. The Admiral Gorshkov however could have been equipped with Zircon missiles, so her departure removes the probability that Zircon missiles were deployed in the Mediterranean. 
The role of the Admiral Gorshkov is now taken over by the Steregushchy class corvette Merkury.

Aleksandrit class minehunter Vladimir Emelyanov departed the Mediterranean under escort by the support vessel Vice-Admiral Paromov. The Emelyanov has been present in the Mediterranean since January 2022. There is a high possibility that the vessel is in dire need of maintenance. With the Turkish Straits closed, the vessel will now most likely head towards the Baltic Fleet for a long overdue maintenance.

Buyan-M class corvette Orekhovo-Zuyevo has also been present in the Mediterranean since January 2022. The mechanical state of this vessel remains questionable. It is highly likely that this vessel also is in need for a maintenance. The presence of Amur class repair vessel PM-82 might suggest that Russia intends to keep the Orekhovo-Zuyevo operational for as long as possible before detaching her as well towards the Baltics for an extended maintenance.

Daily Events
September 03
Aleksandrit class minehunter Vladimir Emelyanov and logistic support vessel Vice-Admiral Paromov held a Replenishment At Sea (RAS) at a location 24 nautical miles southeast of Malaga and 68 Nautical Miles east of Gibraltar [1].

September 04
The AIS signal of logistic support vessel Vice-Admiral Paromov was reported southeast of Gibraltar and heading into the Strait of Gibraltar around 00:10 local time [2].

Frigate Admiral Gorshkov and fleet oiler Vyazma departed the port of Oran, Algiers, following a four day port visit [3].

September 05
Frigate Admiral Gorshkov and fleet oiler Vyazma were visually observed passing through the Strait of Gibraltar and heading west into the Atlantic Ocean [4].

Satellite imagery of the port of Tartus revealed several Russian vessels being moored inside the harbor. These vessels identified as the Steregushchy class corvette Merkury, the Buyan-M class corvette Orekhovo-Zuyevo and the Altay class fleet oiler Yelnya [5].

September 07
Satellite imagery of the port of Tartus revealed several Russian vessels being moored inside the harbor. These vessels identified as the Steregushchy class corvette Merkury, the Buyan-M class corvette Orekhovo-Zuyevo and the Altay class fleet oiler Yelnya and the Moma class intelligence collection vessel Kildin [6].

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