Ocean Shield 2023 - After action report


Following a three year hiatus, the Baltic Fleet once again held an Ocean-Shield exercise. Contrary to previous editions, the security situation for Russia in the Baltic Sea has changed significantly due to Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine. Most countries in the Baltic are now on a hostile footing with Russia, compared to a more neutral stance in 2020 when the last Ocean Shield exercise took place. Also, al countries surrounding the Baltic Sea are now either part of NATO or in the process of joining NATO. 
Ocean Shield 2023 will thus have to take this new security situation in account.

Daily Events

August 2
The Russian Ministry of defense reported the start of the Ocean Shield 2023 naval exercise in the Baltic Sea. The exercise is held under the leadership of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Admiral Nikolai Evmenov and will involved around 30 warships, 20 support vessels and 30 aircraft of the naval aviation [1].

Altay class fleet oiler Yalyna is expected to make an out of area deployment to the North Sea. The vessel can support up to three Russian warships [2].

August 4
Minesweepers Alexander Obukhov and Pavel Khenov were reported at sea with both vessels operating together. The vessels were engaged in an air defense exercise, using their 30mm autocannons for defense. The next serial in this day of exercises involved CBRN protection exercises while at sea followed by defending the vessel against underwater sabotage teams while anchored at a roadstead [3].

August 9
Parachim class anti-submarine corvettes Urengoy and Zelenodolsk formed a task group and operated together in an exercise involving searching for submarines. Both vessels will also lay minefields and hold gunnery exercises against sea and aerial targets [4].

August 16
Steregushchy class corvette Boiky conducted anti-submarine exercises in the Baltic Sea. The exercise involved the deployment of the ship borne Ka-27 helicopter. The exercise was followed by electronic launches of Uran anti-ship missiles against a simulated enemy surface task force. The series of exercises was finished with the conclusion of an air defense exercise [5].

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