Russian forces in the Mediterranean - Wk24/2023

Task Force Composition

As reported by OSINT at the morning of Jun-17

Weekly Brief
Both the frigate Admiral Gorshkov and fleet oiler Kola departed the port of Tartus by the beginning of the week. Both vessels are heading in a western direction towards the Strait of Gibraltar. Their westward departure roughly coincides with the arrival of the USS Gerald R. Ford carrier strike task force in the Mediterranean [a].

It is unclear if the Admiral Gorshkov is being deployed to keep track of the US Navy carrier task force or if she is heading back to her homeport following seven months of deployment at sea. Departure of the Admiral Gorshkov would severely reduce the combat capabilities of the Russian task force in the Mediterranean.

Daily Events

June 13
Satellite imagery of the port of Tartus revealed the presence of Improved Kilo class submarine Krasnodar, the Buyan-M class corvette Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Alexandrit class minehunter Vladimir Emelyanov, logistical support vessel Vice-Admiral Paramov and the rescue tug Sergei Balk [1].

Fleet oiler Kola was reported southwest of Crete heading in a western direction while the AIS signal of the fleet oiler Vyazma was reported at the port of Alexandira, Egypt [2].

June 16
Fleet oiler Vyazma is reported near the Syrian port of Tartus while fleet oiler Kola was observed in transit north of Algiers and heading westwards towards the Strait of Gibraltar [3].

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