Russian forces in the Mediterranean - Wk08/2023

Task Force Composition

As reported by OSINT at the morning of Feb-25

Weekly Brief

No notable changes regarding the composure and actions of the task force were observed by means of OSINT. The majority of the task force remains at sea, including the Improved Kilo class submarine Krasnodar which has been missing from the port of Tartus for several weeks.

Outside the Mediterranean, the Gorshkov class frigate Admiral Gorshkov has completed her naval exercises at South Africa and is expected to head towards the Mediterranean. Her arrival is expected to occur through the Suez Canal and the upcoming weeks.

Daily Events

February 19
Two warships were observed at anchor outside the port of Tartus. The vessels were identified as a Gorshkov class frigate and a Buyan-M corvette [1].

February 21
Frigate Admiral Kasatonov is reported to be the new flagship of the Mediterranean Task Force [2].

February 24
Satellite imagery of the port of Tartus showed several Russian vessels present. These vessels were identified as a Gorshkov class frigate, a Buyan-M class corvette and the fleet oiler Akademik Pashin. Other vessels of the task force were not observed [3].

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