Russian forces in the Mediterranean - Wk01/2023

Task Force Composition

As reported by OSINT at the morning of Jan-07

Weekly Brief

The arrival of Orthodox Christmas did not put naval operations by the task force to a complete halt. Satellite imager of the port of Tartus revealed that the Gorshkov class frigate and both Steregushchy class corvettes were at sea on January 3th.

The Northern Fleet dispatched the Gorshkov class frigate Admiral Gorshkov towards the Mediterranean. This frigate will relieve the Admiral Kasatonov which has been operational in the Mediterranean since February 11th, 2022.  The Admiral Gorshkov is carrying both Kalibr as Zirkon missiles, making this the first operational deployment of the Zircon missile system in the Mediterranean.

It is unknown of the Admiral Kasatonov is already heading towards the Strait of Gibraltar. If so, it is expected that the Kasatonov will refuel near Marocco prior to leaving the Mediterranean. Refueling can be done from the fleet oiler Kama which is escorting the Admiral Gorshkov. 

Daily Events

January 3
Satellite imagery of the Syrian port of Tartus showed several Russian warships moored inside the port. The vessels were identified as the Improved Kilo class submarine Krasnodar, the Admiral Grigorovich class frigate Admiral Grigorovich, Buyan-M class corvette Orekhovo Zuyevo and the fleet oiler Akademik Pashin [1].

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