Russian forces in the Mediterranean - Wk50/2022

Task Force Composition

As reported by OSINT at the morning of Dec-17

Weekly Brief

Reports of naval activity by OSINT remains low but seem to confirm the recent trend that the majority of the task force is not active. Most vessels were at or near Tartus by the end of the week with the exception of the frigates Admiral Grigorovich and Admiral Kasatonov. Both vessels are Kalibr capable warships and could operate together in the Eastern Mediterranean in response to the presence of the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle.

Daily Events

December 10
Steregushchy class corvettes Stoiky and Soobrazitelny arrived at the Egyptian port of Alexancria for a port visit [1].

December 15
Steregushchy class corvettes Stoiky and Soobrazitelny departed the Egyptian port of Alexancriafollwing a five day port visit [1].

December 16
Satellite imagery of the Syrian port of Tartus showed several Russian warships moored or at the anchorage. The vessels were identified as the Improved Kilo class Krasnodar, both Steregushchy class corvettes, Buyan-M class corvette Orekhovo-Zhuevo, the fleet oiler Akademik Pashin and the minehunter Valdimir Emelyanov [2].

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