Russian forces in the Mediterranean - Wk12/2022

Task Force Composition

As reported by OSINT at the morning of March 26

Weekly Brief 

The Russian Navy continues to operate at least one surface action group south of Crete. The reported SAG is the once centered on the vessels of the Northern Fleet, most likely because the Admiral Kasatonov boost more vertical launch cells for Kalibr missies compared to the Grigorovich class.
From their position south of Crete, these vessels can block the direct approach towards Tartus, Syria, or the entrance to the Aegean Sea. Having just refueled, this SAG is expected to remain in place during the coming days.

Daily Events

March 25
A surface action group is reported at sea at an undisclosed location in the Mediterranean. Slava class cruiser Marshal Ustinov, Udaloy class destroyer Vice-Admiral Kulakov and Gorshkov class frigate Admiral Kasatonov of the Northern Fleet operated as a task force. All three vessels conducted refueling operations with Kaliningradneft tanker Vyazma. The refueling took place in the astern method [1]. The vessels also replenished their water supplies during this operation [2].
The SAG and the tanker were located south of Crete during the refueling operation [3].

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