Russian forces in the Mediterranean - Wk08/2022

Task Force Composition

As reported by OSINT at the morning of February 26

Weekly Brief

Russian naval forces have been converging during the first half of the week with the Northern Fleet Surface Action Group (SAG) moving from the Central towards the Eastern Mediterranean. It is believed that it made contact with the fleet oiler Vyazma near Cyprus where the SAG refueled on February 22. 
On February 24, the start of the Russo-Ukrainian war, the Northern Fleet and Pacific Fleet SAGs converged and the entire Russian task force was seen sailing in a large formation back towards Tartus, with the exception of the fleet oiler Vyazma.
It is expected that the task force will remain on stand-by at Tartus for the duration of the Russo-Ukrainian war in order to keep capital NATO warships in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Daily Events

February 19
Slava class cruiser Marshal Ustinov is reported west-southwest of Crete on a course of 295 degrees with a speed of 15.4 knots [1]. The vessel is travelling together with Gorshkov class frigate Admiral Kasatonov [2]. Fleet tanker Vyazma is still reported at anchor near Crete.

February 20
Fleet tanker Vyazma is reported near Crete and heading in an easterly direction with a speed of 7 knots [3].

Slava class cruiser Marshal Ustinov, Udaloy class destroyer Vice-Admiral Kulakov and Gorshkov class frigate Admiral Kasatonov are reported in a position 37 nautical miles west of Corfu, Greece [4]. The vessels are on a course of 16 degrees and have a reported speed of 16.9 knots [5].

Rescue tug Sergey Balk allegedly departed the port of Tartus, Syria, during the afternoon [6].

February 21
Rescue tug Sergey Balk is located west of the island Paphos during the afternoon. It appears the vessel is heading towards the Aegean Sea [6].

February 22
Rescue tug Sergey Balk is located west of Paphos and returned its course. The vessel most likely made contact with an unidentified Russian vessel and is possibly escorting it back towards Tartus, Syria [7].

Fleet tanker Vyazma is reported 34 nautical miles south of Limassol, Cyprus, around 1450Z. The vessel most likely completed a replenishment at sea since its draft went from 7 meters to 4.2 meters [8].

February 23
Tha AIS signal of Slava class cruiser Marshal Ustinov was reported 60 nautical miles south of Cyprus at 1520Z [9]. The vessel is on course 88.4 degrees with a speed of 17.5 knots and heading towards Tartus [10].

Fleet tanker Vyazma arrived at the port of Limassol, Cyprus, around 0900 local time [11].

Rescue tug Sergey Balk is reported southeast of Akrotiri during the morning [12].

February 24
Almost the entire Russian Task Force was seen on satellite imagery in one big formation heading towards the port of Tartus, Syria [13].

February 25
Fleet tanker Vyazma departed the port of Limassol around 1310 local time [14].

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