Black Sea Fleet deployments-Wk52/2021

Fleet Overview

Weekly Brief

Most naval activity within the Black Sea remains isolated to crew training with no abnormal activity being reported.

Dailly Events

December 28
Satellite radar imagery of the port of Sevastopol shows that one Grigorovich class frigate and the corvette RFS Bora have left port between the morning of December 27 and the afternoon of December 28 [1].

December 29
Grigorovich class frigate RFS Admiral Essen and her on board Ka-27PL anti-submarine helicopter held an anti-submarine exercise in the Black Sea. The helicopter made several take-offs and landings and initiated searches for a simulated submarine. The frigate limited her actions to training flight deck operations [2].

January 02
The crew of Improved Kilo class submarine RFS Veliky Novgorod held a damage control exercise while the submarine was in port. The crew had to respond to a fire that broke out in one of the compartment [3].

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