Pacific Fleet Deployments - Wk 31/2021

Weekly Brief

Training focused mainly on base protection and anti-sabotage drills, both at Kamchatka and near Vladivostok. Several vessels returned to port following a deployment at sea, most notably the Oscar II class SSGN RFS Orel who completed a patrol in the Pacific Ocean.

Daily Events
August 02
An anti-terrorist exercise took place at Kamchatka with military police preventing a simulated group of enemies infiltrating Avacha Bay. Two groups of saboteurs attempted to penetrate the military base. One group arrived by car and attempted to pass through a checkpoint with forged papers. A second group operated a motor boat and tried to approach over water. This group was stopped by military police operating a BL-680 high-speed boat [1].

August 04
Oscar II class nuclear submarine RFS Omsk returned at Kamchatka following a patrol in the Pacific Ocean [2] [3].

Grisha class corvettes RFS Metel and RFS Koreets held an anti-sabotage exercise together with four Grachonok class vessels. The exercise took place in the Peter the Great Gulf. One of the Grachonok class vessel acted as the enemy with the task of launching divers that were to attack the two Grisha class corvettes. Both corvettes and remaining three Grachonok vessels repelled the attack through the use of preventive grenade throwing from various launchers [4].

August 05

Nanuchka class corvettes RFS Smerch and RFS Razliv returned to base following a month long deployment at sea. Both vessels practiced missile strikes, air defense and artillery gunnery during their patrol. Both vessels are reported back in port to replenishment of food and water supplies before heading back out on a new combat training patrol [5] [6]. 

August 07
Young officers, recently graduated from flight schools and assigned to the Naval Aviation regiment stationed in Kamchatka, continue their advanced training on their assigned MiG-31BM interceptors. Following previous training sessions with flying in adverse and bad weather, the pilots are now conducting their first night time flights [7].

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