Pacific Fleet Deployments - Wk 28/2021

Weekly Brief

With the larger surface warships at port following their recent return from a two month deployment in the Pacific Ocean, naval activity was restricted to smaller surface vessels out on small training exercises. All reported vessel at sea were Grisha class anti-submarine vessels used for patrolling and guarding the littoral zones.

Daily Events

July 13
Newly trained pilots stationed in Kamchatka, graduates of the aviation schools in 2020, have flew their first independent flight in MiG-31BM fighter. The flights were held from the Yelizovo airfield and took place in clear weather conditions at medium altitudes. The next phases will be held in adverse weather and at higher altitudes [1].

Grisha class small anti-submarine vessel RFS Koreets held artillery fire exercises in the Peter the Great Gulf. The vessel held several exercises with its AK-176M 76mm gun and AK-63030mm close-in weapon systems. These exercises included an air-defense exercise against an target dropped with a parachute, a surface gunnery exercise against a naval shield simulating a hostile warship and a countermine exercise with the vessel firing at simulated floating mines [2].

July 15
Borei class submarine RFS Vladimir Monomakh returned at the naval base at Kamchatka following a long range deployment [3] [4].

July 18
Grisha class anti-submarine ships Kholmsk and MPK-107 were at the Avacha Bay. Kholmsk was involved in combat training with an air-defense and anti-surface warfare exercise.
The air-defense exercise saw the Kholmsk launching a Osa anti-aircraft missile against a Saman target missile which was launched by MPK-107. Kholmks would later launch anti-aircraft missiles against a simulated surface target and have her point-defense weapons fire against another simulated surface target [5].

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