Russian forces in the Mediterranean - Wk06/2021

Task force composition

As reported by OSINT on the morning of February 14

Weekly Brief

Following several weeks of changes, the task force composition remained relative stable though several internal shifts took place during the week. Rescue tug RFS Nikolay Chiker was detached from the frigate RFS Admiral Kasatonov and escorted the minesweeper RFS Ivan Antonov. RFS Vyazma was assigned to supply the RFS Admiral Kasatonov during her long range deployment while at the same time, the fleet oiler RFS Ivan Bubnov returned back to the Black Sea. By the end of the week, all Russian naval vessels appear to be at or heading towards the port of Tartus.

Without the RFS Ivan Bubnov and the RFS Vyazma being attached to support the deployment of the RFS Admiral Kasatonov, the task force is without a dedicated fleet oiler. Several rescue tugs stationed in Tartus have the capacity however to support the naval vessels on a individual level.

Daily events

February 08
Rescue tug Nikolay Chiker is reported north of the Greek island of Limnos [1]. The vessel is on a racetrack course and sheltered from the strong southern winds in the Aegean Sea [2]. Wind speeds are up to nine Beaufort around the Dardanelles which prevents the transit of several vessels, including the US Navy supply vessel USNS Laramie [3].

Tapir class landing vessel RFS Saratov transited the Bosporus during the morning and headed towards the Mediterranean [4]. The vessel is reported as heading towards the Russian naval base at Tartus [5].

February 09
Rescue tug RFS Nikolay Chiker and Aleksandrit class minesweeper RFS Ivan Antonov were seen on commercial satellite imagery at an unknown position in the southern Aegean Sea [6]. Gorskov class frigate RFS Admiral Kasatonov was not seen in the company of these tow vessels.

February 11
Boris Chilikin class tanker RFS Ivan Bubnov transited the Bosphorus and headed towards the Black Sea. The transit took place at 17:49 local time [7]. The vessel was deployed for eight months in the Mediterranean [8].

The Russian Ministry of Defense reported that the fleet oiler RFS Vyazma will be escorting the Gorshkov class frigate RFS Admiral Kasatonov during her long distance voyage [9].

February 12
Buyan-M class corvette RFS Vyshniy Volochek completed her K-2 training course at sea in the Mediterranean. The corvette engaged simulated air and surface targets as well as floating mines with its artillery systems. The training was completed with an anti-sabotage defense exercise when the corvette was anchored at an unprotected anchorage [10] [11].

Rescue tug RFS Nikolay Chiker was reported in a position 90 nautical miles from Limassol, Cyprus [12]. The rescue tug was seen on commercial satellite imagery in the company with the Aleksandrit class minesweeper RFS Ivan Antonov [13]. 

The AIS signal of the fleet tanker RFS Vyazma was last located in a position southeast of Crete at 1845Z. The vessel is on eastern course, heading towards the Levant.

February 13
The AIS signal of the rescue tug RFS Nikolay Chiker was last reported in the port of Tartus at around 0600Z. Aleksandrit class minesweeper RFS Ivan Antonov is presumed to be in the port as well [14].

February 14
Fleet tanker RFS Vyazma was reported 30 nautical miles southeast of Limassol, Cyprus at 0900Z. The vessel is reported on a course towards Tartus, Syria [15].
At 2130Z, the vessel arrived at the anchorage site of the port of Tartus [16].

Gorshkov class frigate RFS Admiral Kasatonov was spotted on commercial satellite imagery in a position 60 nautical miles west of Haifa, Israel [17]. The vessel appears to be monitoring NATOs SNMG2 group that is currently moored in the port of Haifa. In turn, an Arleigh Burke class destroyer is passing west of Tartus on a southern course [18].

The AIS signal of rescue tug Nikolay Chiker was last located southwest of Cyprus in a position roughly halfway the island and the Middle Eastern coastline [19].

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