Baltic Fleet Deployments - Wk 05/2021

February 02
The Air assault battalion of the 336th Naval Infantry Regiment was involved in a combat readiness exercise at Kaliningrad. Over 300 marines were put on alert and marched out to their assembly area on the Khmelevka training ground. Once there, the marines were tasked to ambush a simulated convoy of hostile forces and to defend the coastal zone against an amphibious assault. 
Marines have currently set up several command and observation points, deployed patrols and organized an all round defense of their positions. 
The tactical exercise is expected to last several days. [1] [2]

The crews of Iskander missile systems conducted electronic launches as part of a combat readiness test that is ongoing in the Kaliningrad Region. The crews had to take up firing positions covertly and conduct both single and group electronic launches against simulated enemy airfields, missile systems and command posts. Once the strike was launched, the crews were tasked to take up alternative positions to avoid being struck by a retaliatory strike.
The crews also had to operate under simulated chemical and radiation contaminations and fight off attacks against their positions by hostile sabotage and reconnaissance groups. Drones were used to scout the direct vicinity and locate these hostile groups. In total, around 100 servicemen and 10 pieces of military equipment were involved in the strike. [3] [4]

Tank units held exercises in preparation for the Tank Biathlon competition which is held later in the year. The first phase of the training involves driving across several obstacles such as craters, trenches, ditches and track bridges. Following the driving training, the crews will hold live firing exercises against targets between 900 and 2.200 meters. [5]

February 03
Steregushchy class corvette RFS Boiky was at sea as part of the K-2 training program of her crew. As such, the corvette trained laying mines and engaging targets with their artillery systems. The minefield was set up to prevent submarines from passing and consisted of training mines that lay on the bottom.
Ka-27 helicopters also performed deck landings on the corvette, both when the ship was stationary and underway. [6]

February 04
Around 10 aircraft, reported as Su-30SM multipurpose fighters and Su-24M bomber aircraft, are training air-to-air refueling from Il-78 tanker aircraft in the Kaliningrad Region. The aircraft, all part of the naval aviation regiment, will refuel during the day and in the night, both single and as part of a pair. This kind of training is normally held at least twice a year. [7]

February 05
The Russian Ministry of Defense announced that pilots of the naval aviation regiment in Kaliningrad have successfully completed air-to-air refueling during the night. The refueling took place at an altitude of 2000 to 5000 meters and at a speeds of 500 to 600 km/h. [8]

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