Baltic Fleet Deployments - Wk 26/2021

Weekly Brief With the majority of the Baltic Fleet stationed near Saint Petersburg and preparing for the Navy Day parade on July 25, no naval activity was reported throughout the week. Land forces stationed a Kaliningrad continued their summer training program with a reported emphasis on how to operated tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and trucks. Conscripts are being brought up to standard so that they can participate in the Zapad-21 military exercise. Daily Events June 28 Several vessels of the Northern Fleet have left Severomorsk and are headed for the Baltic Sea where they are to arrive in the beginning of July [ 1 ]. The vessels, identified as the Slava class cruiser RFS Marshal Utsinov, Udaloy class destroyer RFS Admiral Kulakov, landing vessel RFS Pyotr Morguniv and the rescue tug Altai, will take part in the Navy Day at Saint Petersburg and train with the Baltic Fleet. June 29 A large scale multi-day exercise has started at Kaliningrad, lead by the corps commander. The exercis...