Russian forces in the Mediterranean - Wk38/2021

Task Force Compostion As reported by OSINT at noon of September 25 Weekly Brief The task force has been reduced to its normal since with the departure of the Northern and Pacific Fleet detachments. It is however unsupported with the departure of the PM-138 repair vessel and the Akademik Pashin fleet oiler. Operations by the task force are thus restricted to the Eastern Mediterranean where it can resupply at friendly and neutral ports such as Tartus, Syria, and Limassol, Cyprus. Daily Events September 19 Amur class repair vessel PM-138 passed the Bosporus and entered the Black Sea around 0400Z [ 1 ]. The vessel spent a total of 171 days in the Mediterranean, providing expert technical support for the Russian warships stationed at Tartus, Syria. A Russian task force was reported at 1655Z in a position southeast of Sicily. The vessels appear to be the Udaloy class destroyer RFS Vice-Admiral Kulakov, fleet oiler RFS Akademik Pashin and rescue tug Altai [ 2 ]. She was later reported in a po...