Russian forces in the Mediterranean - Wk17/2021

Task Force Composition As reported by OSINT at noon of May 01 Weekly Brief Limited naval activity was observed by the Russian task force with most vessel still in harbor at the end of week. One Improved Kilo class submarine was not in port on April 30 and is most likely conduction training in the Eastern Mediterranean. Da ily Events April 25 Oil tanker Yaz transited the Bosporus during the early morning hours and headed towards the Black Sea [ 1 ]. The vessel is heading from Baniyas, Syria, towards the port of Kavkaz Ropucha class LST RFS Novocherkassk transited the Bosporus around 0530Z and returned to the Black Sea [ 2 ]. April 26 Oil tanker Sig passed through the Bosporus during early morning and headed into the Black Sea [ 3 ]. The vessel departed Baniyas in Tartus and is heading towards the Russian port of Kavkaz. April 28 Intelligence collection vessel Vasiliy Tatishchev is reported in the Port of Sudan with the Amur class repair vessel PM-138 expected to arrive during the mo...