Laika class - use and purpose in the Russian Navy

The project 545 Laika class nuclear attack submarine was first announced on a Russian Defense exhibition in December 2019. Although the submarine was not officially confirmed as the newest class in the Russian nuclear submarine fleet, many analysts have speculated over the use and purpose of the Laika class in the Russian Navy. The Laika class is speculated to be a cheaper alternative to the Project Pr.885/885M Severodvinsk class submarine (NATO reporting name ‘Yasen’). Rather than being a direct competitor to Severodvinsk class, the Laika class is considered to operate in conjunction with the Severodvinsk class. Being a cheaper brother to the Severodvinsk class, the Laika will most likely be used to replace the existing fleet of Russian nuclear attack submarines such as the Project 945 Barrakuda and Project 945A Kondor, (NATO reporting names 'Sierra I’ and ‘Sierra II’ respectively) and Project 971 Shchuka-B (Nato reporting name ‘Akula’) classes. Laika class submarine - imag...